
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Episode 94 - A Wellspring 2022 Review
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
On the way home from Wellspring, though they were not driving together, Rev. Avende and Rev. Dangler stopped at a rest stop and caught up to remember the event. Held each Memorial Day weekend in northeast Ohio, The Wellspring Gathering is also the ADF annual meeting and this year, site of our Archdruid reinstallation and an ADF Initiation.
We got to meet new people and visit with old friends, and try out new camping gear. The Bards of Three Cranes Grove, ADF, played quite a lot of music at the bardic night, and we even gave our own little workshop based on this podcast (with material forthcoming this season)!
A couple of links to people we mention to add to your listening pleasure:
- John Beckett's "Under the Ancient Oaks" [Homepage | Patheos Blog]
- Bohemian Hobbit Studio [Facebook | Instagram]
This one's short, but it's a good review. We've still got plenty to pull out as we go forward this season! The Summerland Gathering is happening August 18-21, 2022 (accepting registration shortly)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday May 26, 2022
Episode 93 - Gesture and Posture in Ritual
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Today we're chatting about the things we do with our hands and bodies during ritual, focusing on gesture and posture in particular, and how we've developed them for use in our personal and Grove-centered work. We'll also talk about how they connect with trance and prayer a bit.
We're definitely back on the road (in fact, you are listening to this as you drive out to Wellspring with us, right? because that's where we're going today!). This year, we're going to be working hard to find more voices to bring onto the podcast to increase both our diversity, and our connections.
We hope you'll join us for as many of this coming year's festivals as possible, in person if you can. There has never been a safer, more welcome chance to connect with your fellow pagans and Druids. Just this morning, we're on our way to The Wellspring Gathering May 26-30, 2022, and The Summerland Gathering is happening August 18-21, 2022 (accepting workshop proposal and registration)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday May 19, 2022
Episode 92 - Making Group Rituals Work
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Today, we talk about how we've made group ritual work, including some tips about both online rituals and in-person rituals. We've had a lot of different strategies over the past 20 years here in Three Cranes Grove, ADF, and exploring what worked and what didn't as we've been planning, and what to do when things go wrong (on either a large scale, or a small one).
We also talk about how to follow a lead in ritual, the benefits of trusting your fellow ritualists, building enthusiasm, and Rev. Avende's work that they call, "Performing the Bardic Lasso."
- 3CG Bookends
- Beltane 2020, honoring Gobnait, the Gaelic lady of the bees [script]
We hope you'll join us for as many of this coming year's festivals as possible, in person if you can. There has never been a safer, more welcome chance to connect with your fellow pagans and Druids. Consider, for example, The Wellspring Gathering May 26-30, 2022 (next week!), and The Summerland Gathering August 18-21, 2022 (accepting workshop proposals and registration)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday May 12, 2022
Episode 91 - Pets and Their Place in our Practice
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
CW: This episode discusses pet loss and grief surrounding it.
One of the strange things about owning pets is that they become an integral part of our lives, our practice, and the spaces we inhabit. And, with limited exceptions, we may be with them for their entire lives, but they are only with us for a part of ours.
Both Rev. Avende and Rev. Dangler have lost pets, and both have had to find ways to work those pets into their own religious lives, and those of their families. We spend a lot of time chatting about that aspect of our work during this discussion, as well as memorial prayers
- Rev. Dangler's Prayer for a Departed Pet - Tumblr | Facebook
- Rev. Dangler's video Prayer for A Pet Crossing Over (#PrayerADay 2019)
- Rainbow Bridge Poem
We hope you'll join us for as many of this coming year's festivals as possible, in person if you can. There has never been a safer, more welcome chance to connect with your fellow pagans and Druids. Consider, for example, The Wellspring Gathering May 26-30, 2022 (open for registration), and The Summerland Gathering August 18-21, 2022 (accepting workshop proposals and registration)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday May 05, 2022
Episode 90 - Travel Practice
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Today we're chatting about our portable altars, and what we take with us when we head out on the road (or even when we're just out and about close to home).
We discuss the physical things and the spiritual things we bring with us, how we use them, and how they help us. As the conversation evolves, we begin to speak about our prayer lives as well, and how being on the road impacts those things.
- Rev. Dangler's Altoid Tin Travel Altar (Image)
- The Shop Altar at The Magical Druid
- #PrayerADay Bonus Episode
We hope you'll join us for as many of this coming year's festivals as possible, in person if you can. There has never been a safer, more welcome chance to connect with your fellow pagans and Druids. Consider, for example, The Wellspring Gathering May 26-30, 2022 (open for registration), and The Summerland Gathering August 18-21, 2022 (accepting workshop proposals and registration)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Episode 89 - Our Silliest Ritual Work
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Today, we're taking a look at the (most intentionally) silly rituals we've done. We cover a lot of ground, and there are a lot of links worth looking at here to give you an idea of what we're talking about, so here's our list of resources for this episode (mostly) in order of appearance/mention in the episode.
- The Jimmy Buffett Ritual: Text
- "Beach House On The Moon" (the song) on YouTube
- The Jimmy Buffett Oracle
- The Rush Oracle
- "Dressed Up As Freyja (Goin' Down to Jotenheim)" by Art Shipkowski
- Rev. Avende's Potato Prayer
- Rev. Avende's Garnish Prayer
- Rev. Avende's "How To Write and Invocation"
- "Hey You Old Guys" Ancestor Prayer (turns out this was just an in-person prayer, not written)
- Rev. Henderson's "Rainbow Connection" filk (Rob asks us to remind folks that this filk has an extra verse, compared to the original)
- 2005 3CG 'Soulstice' Ritual (with death metal)
- Erisian High Mass Script
- Animal Crossing Rite Livestream
- Ritual Bloopers Episode: Episode 13 - Ritual Bloopers and Fails, with Rev. Melissa Ashton, Rev. William Ashton, Rev. Lauren Mart, Rev. Kirk Thomas, and Rev. Jan Avende.
We hope you'll join us for as many of this coming year's festivals as possible, in person if you can. There has never been a safer, more welcome chance to connect with your fellow pagans and Druids. Consider, for example, The Wellspring Gathering May 26-30, 2022 (open for registration just this moment), and The Summerland Gathering August 18-21, 2022 (accepting workshop proposals and registration at just this moment)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Episode 88 - Virtual vs. In-Person Festivals; or, ”How Good It Is To Be Back!”
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
We've eased back into the festival season by attending the Harvest Nights Gathering in late 2021, and it's worth talking about how good it feels to be back with our fellow Druids in the woods. A small festival has a lot of flexibility, and we were able to get back into the work in a joyful way.
Over the last two years, we've done a lot of festivals virtually, and there have been a lot of missing pieces from that; being in the physical presence of other humans magnified what has been missing for the past two years, giving us a chance to really think about and reflect on the joy of the work we get to do at those festivals.
We also got to do full group ritual with no tech and no cameras for the first time in about two years, and we get to reflect on that experience as well.
Check out the hand-made fire-scrying cards Rev. Avende made at the festival!
We hope you'll join us for as many of this coming year's festivals as possible, in person if you can. There has never been a safer, more welcome chance to connect with your fellow pagans and Druids. Consider, for example, The Wellspring Gathering May 26-30, 2022 (open for registration just this moment), and The Summerland Gathering August 18-21, 2022 (accepting workshop proposals and registration at just this moment)! On the west coast, look out for Beyond the Gates in early September; and in Canada, check out Three Rivers Festival June 9-12, 2022!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, help us keep the lights on with a donation, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Episode 87 - How We Prepare Our Festival Workshops
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
We're back, and we think the festival season is too!
Our first episode was recorded at the end of last year's (super short) festival season, on our way out to Harvest Nights in October... so when we talk about the fall color, this is why.
Trillium didn't end up happening this year (it's usually where we start our season), but we're starting our season around the time of Trillium anyway for tradition's sake, in the hopes that we'll have that event again soon.
We decided to start with this episode because, with the new year and new festivals coming, we thought some insight into how we prepare our workshops might help you, our listeners, create your own workshops. One of the joys of the festival season for us is being able to go and teach, and we think everyone (including you) has something of value to offer our community. So please, as you listen, think about what you could share with your community, and with us.
Are you looking for a festival to present at? Our Grove's Summerland Gathering is accepting presenter applications! We cannot express how amazing it would be to meet you in person!
Resources we mention during the discussion include:
- Writing Evocations Workshop: You can watch the video on how to write evocations on YouTube and check out their page for the workshop as well.
- Rev. Avende's Workshop on Crafting Workshops: we may not have video of the workshop, but we do have the handout! You can find it on Rev. Avende's website, under "Five Lights of *Ghosti: The Gifts You Bring"
- Rev. Dangler's Healing Workshop video
- You can find full-color, full-sized versions of Rev. Dangler's cheat sheets for divination systems here: Elder Futhark Runes | Ogham | Greek Alphabet
- Workshop tiers for our Patreons: both of us have a similar $5/month tier for workshops and learning. You can sign up for either of our items here: Rev. Avende | Rev. Dangler
- The Rev. Avende-led Pan-Pagan Theology Panel
- If you'd like to see questions and answers from a college class presentation, Rev. Dangler posted a recent one to his Patreon, if you're a subscriber.
Finally, if you'd like to see Rev. Avende and Rev. Dangler on a recent Zoom panel, you can find a Clergy Tea Time panel on the ADF YouTube page.
We're so excited to be back!
Theme by Mike Bierschenk. Check out his Bandcamp for more awesome music!
Find us on Facebook, check us out at threecranes.org/podcast, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Episode 86 - Magical Substitutions
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
How is a magical working like a baking show? Our Star Magicians delve into the questions around "follow the recipe" magic, and how they substitute ingredients and work in old spells. We cover simple rules on how to identify ways to substitute for hard-to-find (or impossible-to-find) magical components.
Find us on Facebook, check us out at threecranes.org/podcast, and learn more about Druidry at adf.org.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Episode 85 - A Brushwood Detour (Part 2 of 2)
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
We take an autumn detour to the Brushwood Folklore Center, a spur-of-the-moment change in plans that brought back memories and reminded us that yeah, sometimes we give ourselves good advice.
We'll describe a lot of the space, but sometimes it helps to see pictures.
Check out images of the icons in the space, the Taranis Altar, and the Blue Boat Shrine we mention.
If your podcast app doesn't let you see embedded photos in the show notes, hit up our main page at druidsincars.podbean.com, or pop into the Google Photos album of the side-trip for the full view.
Reminisce with us as we enjoy our memories of years of camping, ritual, and experience in western New York State, returning to an old friend and sacred site.